Advent is a season that speaks softly to me, encouraging me to listen, observe, and reflect in quietness. My daily ritual is to light a candle in the darkness of each Advent morning, read aloud a poem or quotation, then sit quietly.
From November 28-December 24 , I will share a piece of writing that I have collected or written, which resonates with my own spiritual journey at this time of year. I hope that their words may be resources for your Advent practices. If you have Advent rituals and/or writing to add, I encourage you to leave them in the comments section for the rest of us to read.
Peace in this time of waiting and discovery.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Winter Solstice

Winter Solstice by Maria Hodkins*

by Maria Hodkins*

I notice more than anything
how dear the light is
in these December days
and nights…

Like an infant’s face
that first light in the morning
full of promise.
A rosy-cheeked dawn,
waking me with its insistent cry.
Life! A new birth–
The light shatters the seduction of dream
“Come, I will light the Way.”

From the dark shroud of sleep
I leap,
throwing back the drape,
scooping the light into my face.
I turn the plants
to gulp their sky chai
and straighten their pose
for they have been praying, hoping.
leaning into the light, in spite of its leaving.

Arctic blues, powder, smoke, and wisps of white
dress you, sky, in Day’s gown and cape
cold taffeta attending the Earth ball,
my eyes squint in your harsh winter light
and I wait, wait for the warm return
a sun, now so far, so cold
like the heart of a lost lover.

Light of sunset, breathtaking sky
hues too deep for words
dazzling sherbet of periwinkle and peach
Delightful, Trickster, Magician
I bow to your light gifts
luminous mystery
where light hides in the shadows
and halos mountain peaks

And when the night moves in like lava flow
over the land…
The houses sing furious light carols
bright, white, glaring carols
red, green twinkling carols
desperately holding light space for the sun,
everybody’s darling.

Come back, Sun, come home–we miss you!
How dear the light
how I crave the light, drink the light,
lift my glass to the light,
oh Holy light
through this longest night,
you soothe my soul.
*printed with permisssion 

1 comment:

  1. I think, on winter solstice, "the light of the world" has so. much. meaning...particularly as I think back to winter in St. Petersburg.
